
Mount and blade warband guide to starting your own faction
Mount and blade warband guide to starting your own faction

It helps to have high medical skills (if your lord handles FA, Surgery, and WM when he hits 10, his effective skill is actually 14. You can pick off an entire castle garrison by just parking outside the walls and pelting them with arrows until everyone is empty, breaking seige, and re-seiging.

mount and blade warband guide to starting your own faction

Though then you need to get the ball rolling and start conquering stuff and awarding fiefs to keep them happy (Just villages, and try to keep them spread eveningly between lords to prevent MasterfoldĪrchers.lots of archers (about the only thing Vaegir marksmen are actually good for, since they have more ammo, longer range, and higher rate of fire then crossbows, which is what most of defenders outside of vaegir and Khergit castles). Then when you declare your own Kingdom a huge chunk of lords will defect, giving you a large enough force to hold off any other lords. And having at least 25+ RtR doesn't hurt, so you can at least attempt diplomatic actions between other kingdoms. The best way to start your own faction is to butter up to as many lords as possible (100 is ideal, but hard to achieve unless you've been beating the $%#^ of them and letting them go A LOT).

mount and blade warband guide to starting your own faction

If you beat the $%#^ out of one of them enough they'll stop (I pre-empted this by taking most of the weaker lords hostage and then taking a castle and building a prison tower and keeping them locked up and just constantly refusing ransoms).but.that's a LOT of hell getting laid on you and it can wear you down as they constantly burn your villages and you can't get recruits. Keep in mind, if your RtR is less then 25, every other nation will immediately declare war on you and refuse peace.

Mount and blade warband guide to starting your own faction